


<>首先是根據瑞士原廠的查證,已提出相關證明文件,我今天帶來了瑞士政府掌控,最有公信力的二份認證報告,一份是EMPA,另外一份是BFU, 證明該產品本身並沒有問題,是消費者使用不當所造成,因此瑞士原廠並未召回在瑞士已售出的商品!!!

Document 1. EMPA 測試顯示:

Document 2. BFU  測試顯示:



<>最重要的是,我們是於在200841日正式由瑞士原廠獲得KUHN RIKON 台灣區獨家代理商,此款商品瑞康公司從未引進台灣,從未銷售此項商品!!!換句話說,網路流傳的爆裂鍋具,從未曾在我引進台灣後賣出給任何一位消費者!!!

  而且從報告中指出: 貨號3277的鍋具,早在我代理前已停產,我今天也帶了原廠目錄,從2008年的目錄顯示此鍋具,早已不在瑞士上市。 


Q_ 根據您的瞭解,原廠提出的說明及報告,可否詳細說明一下,什麼樣的狀況算不正當使用? 發生事故的原因? 及我們所要注意的事項有那些?


A_ 好的,經瞭解,此事件發生是此鍋具曾有重擊,(例如,從桌上掉落地上),此時撞擊的力道將把手內直釘部份撞擊導致鍋壁破裂,當時並沒有馬上檢查,長時間使用浸泡水中導致雙壁之間滲水進去,小朋友在熬煮焦糖,經4-5個小時的高溫酷燒,中間的蒸氣壓力將內壁推擠開來,糖漿射到小朋友臉上,所以造成此意外事件。正常我們烹調食物也不致於發生此意外,因為正常煮食約攝100度左右,鍋內有食物及湯汁,會將雙壁間的溫度吸收,讓鍋璧間的溫度下降;然而此事件是熬煮焦糖,會將溫度提升到150-200度左右,讓此意外發生。此機率據統計是十萬分之七。所以當您發生鍋具有發生重擊後,可以將把手卸下,泡在水裏,看是否有氣泡產生,即可經易避免掉此意外的產生。 




瑞康公司所代理的KUHN RIKON 是瑞士原廠製造產品,全都經過縝密檢驗,且投保產品責任險新台幣1500萬。消費者可以安心使用,如果有任何疑慮,歡迎隨時來電 0800-39-3399









Document 1. EMPA 測試顯示:






Document 2. BFU  測試顯示:


Translation QUIS Doku 17240 – 13 May 2009


Bfu – Hanspeter Brühlmann – 16.09.2008 and 22.12.2008

Bern, 12 May 2009



STEG-Inspection procedure Nr. 6840 concerning DUROTHERM – double walled cookware – Kuhn Rikon AG, Switzerland: Termination of procedures.


Dear Mr. Brühlmann


With reference to our correspondence of 19 August 2008 in the above mentioned inspection procedure we acknowledge receipt of your letters of 15 September, 7 October and 22 December 2008. Our position is the following and we apologize for the delayed answer to the matter in question:






此貨號 3277的鍋具, 對事故的原因,它經歷了一個洩漏測試(100%測試),並發現是安全的。 











Supported by the written statements above we issue the following decisions:






1.    We consider the technical information, test reports and risk analyses presented to us as sufficient proof safety record in order to state that, based on today’s realizations no STEG-relevant faults exist in the examined aspects.                                                                    


2.     The case is closed.


3.     There will be no fees to be paid.


We thank you for your good cooperation and will gladly be at your disposal for any possible questions that might arise.


Best regards


bfu       bfu


Robert Nyffenegger Cinthia Donzallaz Cerf, lic iur

Controller Science related law






Translation of letter written by Claudia Schiesser,

 8872 Weesen, Switzerland, on 27 July 2010





“Dear Mr. Gassner.      (瑞士KuhnRikon總裁)



By know I have through-cooked and tried out the whole assortment cooking pans of Kuhn Rikon and I am absolutely thrilled by their performance and advantages!


The Hotpan I use daily. Hotpan is the absolute best for cooking Risotto, corn and other cereal. The food doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan anymore. These pans are absolutely fantastic!

I am also very pleased with the performance of the pressurecooker and have already tried out and tested with success the juice extractor set that came with it.


The knives I bought are cutting beautifully and industriously any kind of meats, roasts, herbs and vegetables.

The salad centrifuge has found a proper place in my kitchen.

I also want to mention the wonderful frying pans whose performance is just great. Nothing sticks to the bottom, a pleasure to cook with.

This week I will try out the Wok and will spoil my family with a fine meal.

I have also tried out one or recipes of the Kuhn Rikon cookbooks. My family was absolutely delighted with the outcome of my cooking.


There you see, the pleasure and joy in cooking is back and I wish to thank you, also in the name of Andreas and the rest of the family, for your kind support. I will pass by together with Andreas one of these days, of course not without previous announcement. Regarding the arrangement with the Kuhn Rikon chef of cooking I will get in touch with you in good time.




Thank you again and best regards,


Claudia Schiesser and Andreas”



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